10 Of The Best Songs About Montana: Treasure State Playlist

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Written by Laura Macmillan
Last updated

Ever wonder why Montana is called “the Treasure State?” Because of its rich silver and gold reserves. However, the state holds even more treasures. The open skies, the charming people, and the captivating natural setting all make Montana so unique.

The beautiful state has inspired equally beautiful art, and music is no exception. Montana is, in fact, the muse of some incredible songs.

So for today, we are going to take a look at some of those as we cover 10 of the best songs about Montana. Let’s get started.

1. “Montana Song” By Hank Williams Jr.

In “The Montana Song” by Hank Williams Jr., the singer talks about how he will spend the winter months in Montana. Since he is from the south, the bitter-cold Montana winters will be rough for him.

He has also recently lost someone he cared about, so he hopes to find someone who loves him in the state.

Williams sets a good plan with this song. Winters in Montana are beautiful. He even mentions the deep snow, which is emblematic of the state’s colder months. Montana is his go-to place to escape, and it is a wonderful place to do so.

2. “Wild Montana Skies” By John Denver

Listening to this song will make you want to visit Montana if you haven’t yet. In “Wild Montana Skies,” John Denver tells us of a man born and raised in Montana. Something about the place tells him that he can always go back.

As Denver says in the song, the man loves nature and the open air. So Montana is the perfect place for him. Though he loses both his parents, his uncle’s family welcomes him. He becomes a farmer, and this, no doubt, is how “he learned to love the land.”

A time comes when he leaves Montana to make a life for himself. He is gone for years but finds himself going back to Montana. He finds out “there was something in the country that he said he couldn’t leave.” Good for him, as Montana welcomes him back with open arms.

3. “Montana Lullaby” By Ken Overcast

In the early 2000s, the state of Montana appointed “Montana Lullaby” by Ken Overcast the official state lullaby. This recognition is unsurprising given the song’s serene beauty.

Many people applaud Overcast for capturing the spirit of the state in the song. The soft and melodic tune has a romantic element, making it all sorts of sweet.

The song tells the listeners about a Montana cowboy. As the cowboy finishes his evening round-up, he knows that Jenny is waiting for him at home. It is the perfect lullaby and a great song to represent Montana.

4. “Montana Rodeo” By Chris LeDoux

Here we have another song with “Montana” in the title. Chris LeDoux’s 1983 country song “Montana Rodeo” is just as it sounds. It tells the story of a rodeo that comes to Montana.

The singer talks about the different people that come to Montana for its rodeo. College kids come from states over. Native Americans dressed in cowboy attire, ranch hands, and rodeo hands also join the celebration.

The song captures the essence of a major cultural event in Montana. The party lasts all weekend, and many Montana natives spend the whole year looking forward to the rodeo. People familiar with the rodeo can tell why this is such a great song about Montana.

5. “Meet Me In Montana” By Dan Seals And Marie Osmond

In 1985, country music artists Dan Seals and Marie Osmond released their hit, “Meet Me in Montana.” This beautiful song will surely make you remember a loved one, whether that person is from Montana or not.

In a song with “Montana” in the lyrics, the singer begs their lover, “Won’t you meet me in Montana.” He’s been away “singing to every soul in Tennessee.” They want to be together and see Montana in each other’s eyes.

Seeing the person they love in such a beautiful place would be the perfect combination. Indeed, some Montanans in love can relate.

6. “Montana On My Mind” By Shane Clouse

In 2003, Shane Clouse released his country song, “Montana on My Mind.” This hit single reflects what many of us feel sometimes. We are in different places, working ourselves to the bone. But we always long to be somewhere else.

In this case, the singer does not want to be anywhere else except Montana. He misses home and it’s constantly on his mind. Clouse grew up in Missoula, Montana, so it makes sense that he feels such a strong connection with the place. His upbringing in the state also makes him an expert on its beauty.

People who grew up in Montana will be able to relate to this song. Something about the tall mountains, open skies, and charming people pulls Montanans back to the state, no matter where they are at the moment.

7. “Montana” By Frank Zappa


Sometimes, a song doesn’t have to make sense. You just have to accept the fact that the songwriter had fun with it. Such is the case with “Montana” by Frank Zappa.

This light-hearted and silly song finds a man moving to Montana to start farming dental floss. Listeners do not have to take the lyrics seriously, but it is a fun story accompanied by a catchy tune.

Frank Zappa’s hit is one of the best songs about Montana because it is musically appealing with fun lyrics. Even though there are no factually accurate lyrics about “Montana,” many people still associate the place with Zappa’s song.

8. “Big City” By Merle Haggard

In the 1981 country song “Big City,” Merle Haggard sings about being fed up with the big city. He has spent most of his life working hard in a polluted urban area and wants nothing more than to get away from it all.

Haggard sings, “Turn me loose, set me free.” He wants to go to Montana. The place has fresh air that can chase away the pollution from the big city. So, it is no surprise that someone worn out by the big city wants to escape to the state.

Those who prefer the countryside know precisely what the singer is talking about. We want nothing more than to escape the noise of the big city for the calm of a small town.

9. “Goodnight Montana” By David Walburn

In 2003, David Walburn released “Goodnight Montana.” The songwriter came up with the song to close his shows at Glacier National Park.

The song mentions Montana and all of its loveliest parts, from its skies to its rivers. The moral of the song is that a “goodbye” to Montana is never permanent. Even when people leave the state, their hearts will always remain in Montana.

And one day, Montana will call out to them. It has a way of pulling them back. The Montana-loving sentiment in this song is strong when Walburn refers to the state as “paradise.”

10. “Montana Sky” By White Heart

The Christian rock band White Heart released “Montana Sky” in 1987. The song refers to the state’s sky, for which Montana is well-known. The state even gained the nickname “Big Sky Country.”

The song captures this very well with lyrics that say, “Face to face with a sky that never stops.” But more than that, Montana is a place where one can find peace and happiness.

Since White Heart is a Christian band, they attribute the state’s natural beauty to God and His light. The beautiful sights in the state leave them in awe of God’s power.

Summing Up Our List Of Montana Songs

Montana is beyond gorgeous, and the songs about it are just as beautiful. Most of the time, the artists themselves are from Montana. However, this is not always the case.

Some songs come from artists who have only ever visited the state. They remember the tall mountains, open skies, and friendly people. These speak about how enchanting Montana is.

No matter where a person comes from, Montana will always resonate with them. If you’ve never been to the state, simply listen to the best Montana songs to understand the state’s allure.

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Laura has over 12 years experience teaching both classical and jazz saxophone and clarinet. She now resides in California where she works as a session and live performer.